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Summer Solstice Mass Meditation Call & Blowout Sale!!!.jpg

Summer Solstice

Mass Meditation Call & Blowout Sale


Hello everyone, we’re opening our container again. This time it’s for the Summer Solstice. We’re hosting a mass meditation, transmission, singing transmission and activation call.


This summer solstice embodies many different energies. But the strongest energies we feel are the acceleration of timelines. This means that this is the year for people to accelerate their quantum leap into their highest timeline. This meditation will be an opportunity to supercharge your intentions and energetic trajectory towards manifesting the things that are meant for you.


Many of you are being called to step into positions of leadership and to bring your talents and offerings forward to assist with the collective ascension. Many are still moving through some fear blocks, traumas of persecution and limiting self-belief. This meditation will be a great opportunity to energetically cast those hinderances into the fire to be purged so that you can begin stepping into your heart’s calling.


Stepping into your heart’s calling is not easy and will require a degree of courage and a process of initiation. However, this call will lay a solid energetic foundation for that initiation process to go more smoothly.


Alignment is everything with this Summer Solstice!!


Date: 6/21

Time: 5:00 PM EST (The booking system auto converts all other time zones to match ours)

Price: $15

Call Duration: 1 hour

Audience Limit: 100

Where: ZOOM


The call will be recorded. If you booked in your spot but cannot make it then let us know with your email and we'll send you the recording. It will also be available for purchase after. Once booked, you will automatically receive a confirmation email with the zoom link for the date of the call. Check your spam email if you cannot find it or email search "Sun Consciousness" to find it. If you still cannot find it then email us at





We’re also having a Summer Solstice blow out sale. ALL OF OUR 1:1 SERVICES & COURSES WILL BE 25% OFF. Use the discount code “SOLAR” when booking to apply the discount. This offer will remain open until further notice...

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